Never loose the lesson

It was just yesterday, I was ruffled, misunderstanding, and feeling totally misunderstood. Now, a few hours later all seems well, All is well. In this bliss, I see how easy it is to loose the lesson after a rough patch.

Its like working hard on a farm and not eating its fruits. You get so relieved the work is over you go on vacation and forget there was reason why all that work was done.

Once things get well, it seems like that could never come up again coz now we are all happy...

Nada!, Do not be fooled, it just mite. There is a reason that situation occurred, do you know? Is it your decisions, poor communication, faulty character... If that lesson is not learnt the same problem might occur again, hurt, frustration and all what not. Thats not necessary

NB: It ain't a revelation its a lesson, some hindsight it needed here

So, now I ask, what is my lesson in this. Wouldn't want to waste time turning in circles. For me these are general lessons we all could benefit from

- Don't be too quick to judge, or make assumptions ( Funny, a friend who I mentioned this to once, kindly reminded me as I rushed to conclusion with such little information )
- God will do what He has to to get your attention, and the message is often in the fine prints there after its your call to obey.

These too ought save a worry or two. I suggest write it down some where so u don't forget and make the appropriate steps to grow in that aspect.

Lesson number 2345.... and counting


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